
Instant Inkjet Circuits

I visited MIT Media Lab the other day, and met Mr. Yoshihiro Kawahara. He walked me through his lab, and showed me his new project "Instant Inkjet Circuits".

It is a project to easily make circuit boards using Inkjet Printer.

The first thing he showed me was writing with a pen. Connected tester, and we can see it has electricity flowing. Awesome, that was super easy!

MIT Media Lab

The next thing we can do is use a normal inkjet printer and print circuits. There are a lot of printers that are specifically created to print circuits, but this solution is awesome because you can use existing inkjet printers you already have.

This is how it looks.

MIT Media Lab

This is the ink cartridge.

MIT Media Lab

You can load the cartridge with conductive silver ink like this.

MIT Media Lab

And insert the cartridge and print circuit boards with a normal printer.

MIT Media Lab

If you want to know more details, you can read the paper:
Instant Inkjet Circuits: Lab-based Inkjet Printing to Support Rapid Prototyping of UbiComp Devices


More printing...

MIT Media Lab

MIT Media Lab

MIT Media Lab

Thank you Kawahara sensei!

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here are my own, and do not reflect those of my employer. -Fumi Yamazaki

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